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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-03-04

  • Just got this press release: CRADLE OF ROME: GIVE FREE RAIN TO YOUR INNER EMPEROR. Wonder if it's a weather sim? #
  • @mrjennings I know Orson Scott Card's personal views are anathema, but if we avoided authors we disagreed with, what would we read? #
  • @chrisbrogan And Steve's asking me to appear on the Gang. Would you prefer not to have us do that? Is it better to keep the shows separate? #
  • @cafeninja @mkapor used some Twitter tool that scanned for his name, I think. Is there a complete list of Twitter tools somewhere? #
  • @wmandra Thanks. TWiT 134 is being greeted with equal amounts of love and hate. I like to defy expectations from time to time. #
  • @msauers Card is a homophobe (and a neanderthal reactionary, too) but libraries should not ban books based on the author's beliefs. Period. #
  • @whitepony02027 Recording MacBreak Weekly right now with Scott, Merlin, Andy, and Alex. We'll push it out soon. Sorry for the hiatus! #
  • @jayhmt I completely agree - two's too few, five's too many on a roundtable show. I sometimes get overbooked but not intentionally. #
  • A beautiful spring day in Petaluma - time to put up the spring decorations on http://leoville.com #

Reader Comments (1)

>>@msauers Card is a homophobe (and a neanderthal reactionary, too) but libraries should not ban books based on the author’s beliefs. Period.<<

I agree that libraries should not ban books based on an author’s beliefs, I don't even believe that they should not stock books that push these beliefs. Censorship is bad.

However, just because we are willing to accept the existence of such books, does not mean that we should knowingly Recommend that others purchase such a book to others and thereby giving money to the author.

I think this might be a situation where I consider piracy to be the morally least bad thing to do. (Sometimes I like the Idea that piracy can hurt content creators)

March 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRichard Howard

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