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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-03-07

  • @MeWhOeLsE I'm not sure what Rev3 would bring to the table. I prefer to do this out of my own studio in my own way. I will have help, though #
  • @MediaRight We shot our last shows 2/29. That's usual - no one wants a maudlin farewell show. They have enough in the can to go through May. #
  • @wintr Sorry to tell you this way. Ryan Yewell should be in touch soon to let you down easy. We've booked some guests, but the show is done. #
  • My son just got a call from a casting director. He has an audition on Saturday. His sister and mom are now consulting on his hair style. #
  • Oh crud. My ISDN just got cut off for non-payment. Seems I've been paying SBC not ATT. Wonder what "SBC" did with the money? #
  • Wonder how I'll do the radio show this weekend? By phone? #
  • Rooting for Kevin and company. http://snipurl.com/21762 [www_techcrunch_com] #
  • Wow - it pays to have Twitter friends. @biggsjm is helping me with ATT get my ISDN back. It's how I do the radio show so crossing my fingers #
  • @rockmanac No. If I can't get the ISDN back up I'll have to go into SF and use a radio station, probably KGO if they'll let me. #
  • @mercerch ISDN is only 128Kbps but it's point to point with zero latency, so it's predictable. You can do full fidelity audio + return. #
  • @zenrhe It doesn't affect the podcasts at all - just the radio show, fortunately. We just use Skype for TWiT. #
  • OK now I've paid the ISDN bill three times. I don't really care - I just need it re-connected! #
  • @lipbalm It's a download from Google. Install over the air on your Blackberry at http://m.google.com/sync - free and very cool. #
  • Just finished doing the Gang with Steve Gillmor. It's a fascinating experience. #
  • The brain dead ATT voice mail genie wants me to pay them some more money. I think I'm stuck in a loop. #
  • @biggsjm It's ok Josh - unless you were the one who designed the ATT voice mail genie. That wasn't your work was it? ;-) #
  • ATT says it will take 10 days to reconnect. This is very very bad. #
  • I'll probably have to drive to SF to use a studio - which means Munchcast, Windows Weekly, and TWiT won't get done this week or next. #
  • Should have gone to SXSW after all. #
  • First my TV show gets cancelled, then ATT disconnects the radio show. I think I'm having a bad week, and I didn't even know it. #
  • Wow ATT hold music went from a muzak version of Time After Time to Tuvalan Throat Singers. Must be some strong acid. #

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