Live On Tape
Friday, April 11, 2008 at 2:02PM
This weekend I'm in the remote northwest of Tasmania so we'll be airing two shows I've recorded earlier - not reruns mind you but all new shows with new callers and segments from all the regulars including Scott Wilkinson on home theater, the Weekly Giz Wiz, Steve Gibson on security, Paul Thurrott with a Vista tip, Gadget Guru Ron Rosberg, and photo wizard Chris Marquardt. I'm back from Australia on Tuesday and I'll be back live on the radio (and video) April 19. See you then!
Reader Comments (1)
I rarely get the chance to hear live in Chicago, since I am normally not home when it is on, any chance you guys can add a station like WLS or WGN AM to your stations? I can't wait to hear the latest podcasts, patiently waiting for Windows Weekly, The Tech Guy and the next MacWeekly :)
Derek from Chicago