« Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-04-13 | Main | No Wuckin' Furries Mate »

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-04-12

  • We're choosing shots to print on the Epson Pro 3800s. If you're coming to the reception in Hobart pick yours now (to benefit the Devils). #
  • Turns out one of the other photographers here in Tasmania is also on Twitter: Melissa Gaul of the Lightroom team (aka @hyvetyrant). #
  • I had an encounter with a wombat. Looked just like the giant stuffed gopher from caddyshack. And we saw a bandicoot on the drive back. #
  • Wombat pix on Flickr, SmugMug (http://snipurl.com/tasmania) and my blog (http://leoville.com/category/tasmania). I want to take one home. #
  • Heading back to Hobart from Cradle Mountain this morning. Reception tonight - selling prints to Save the Devil: http://snipurl.com/248dl #
  • Phil, Darren and Rob are teaching me Aussie slang. Arvo is afternoon. Good onya is well done. But my favorite is "no wuckin' furries, mate!" #
  • Using Chronosync to backup all my pictures and video to two separate external drives. Peter Krogh taught me Best DAM Practices on the trip. #

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