Back In The US, Back in the US, Back in the USA!

I left Sydney at 2:30p on Monday and arrived in San Francisco at 10:30a Monday. Ah the magic of the International Date Line! Thanks to Qantas I slept most of the way and feel pretty normal. That's a good thing because there's lots to do. Besides filing income taxes tomorrow, I have a studio to set up. The new desk arrived when I was gone. Covad installs the T-1 Friday. I'll start moving gear into the downstairs studio this week and should be able to start using it for the radio show this weekend, assuming I can get the ISDN line moved. I still need to get lighting and switching software, and I'm sure there will be lots of bugs to work out, but TWiT Live is on the way.

Reader Comments (19)
Excellent. I can't wait. Wasn't expecting it so soon after you got back :O.
Not that I'm complaining - The TWiT Army Strengthens.
awesome! :) Shame Shame waiting till last minute for taxes Leo, lol I got my taxes filed end of first week of feb
Leo! Take a moment to sit down and relax before you drop to the floor my friend! Didn't the Aussies ever tell you 'she'll be right, mate'? :)
Wow...glad to have you back! It just hasn't been the same since you left. Please hurry and get something fresh back on line! Love ALL the shows!
Awesome! Can't wait for TWiT live! Also, really loved the various updates you gave during your trip. Made me feel like I was there! Also, the myriad of photos were rock!!!
Don't over do it Leo! Your body clock has to still adjust. I you should do your show in your quantas PJ's! Can't wait to hear some new shows. But I got my wife hooked on listen to your show. I download it to my itouch and play the shows when I drive my Daughter back to my Ex-wifes house, and my new wife loves listening to your show instead of listening to her ipod. Hey have fun with your T-1 line. ALso make sure you do like a Leo's "This old house" segment while you are working on your new office. And make sure you have your tool belt on you know the one with the Hammer holder and one that holds your Tech tools! you can be the Tim Allen of Tech! Have Fun!!
Hope you enjoyed your all come back now hear!
Welcome back! MacBreak Weekly sounds odd without you to moderate (and surf the web). Still, tell Alex we still love him.
Welcome back home. Can't wait to see what new tech fun emits from your studio.
Welcome back, looks like you had a great time. I hope to see more photos. I'm really missing a new TWit.
Welocome Leo, hope you enjoyed to adventure.
Now it is time for you to get back into the kitchen and bake us some new TWiT Episodes.
Covad T1 - nice... Except I would have giving you a Bonded T1 (3MB/3MB) for not much more (Even less) then you are paying for your single T. You have 30 days to cancel!
Taz looked amazing! Would love to see some more video!
So glad you're back, Leo! I've finally got caught up on all my TWiT episodes and am very excited about the live show. Please, don't leave us so long anymore .. .
Leo - also glad to have you back TWIT live sounds great
This can be the start of something BIG - - for you and just think how your listeners will benefit!
Hey Leo you should come to Latin America, there are great places for photography trips. Being an enthusiast myself I plan to do it sometime. Here in Argentina we got it all: Cataratas Falls, Bariloche, The Andes, ski resorts in Las Leñas, the atlantic cean with whales, penguins and what not. By the way, do you have many fans in this part of the world or am I one of the few? Tell Dvorak i also get (almost) no spam! Best regards.
alejandro (undergoing major redesign)
Hey Leo... so sad to hear The Lab has been canceled. Looking forward to TWIT Live. Best wishes. - Dan
which weather do you like better? the U.S.A. or the land down under? how are the cameras for TWIT Live setup.
Were all glad to have you back. Thanks for the Tassie slide show, it will probably be the closest I will ever get to the land down under. Now, get that studio up and running.
Alive and well in the toolies of northern (real north) ca
Hmm... You went at Sydney so how's your visit there? Welcome back to your home town and welcome back to blog even if it's too late to greet you.