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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-04-16

  • @endpoverty2015 - the United Nations Millennium Campaign to end poverty follows @fourthmeal - Taco Bell's campaign to kill Americans. Hmmm. #
  • Recording MacBreak Weekly with Merlin and Andy - Alex and Scott are at NAB and can't be with us. We'll deliver later today. #
  • Drat - the new desk for the studio came without screws. We're trying to get them overnighted so I can move downstairs before this weekend. #
  • Covad is here an installing the T1. I'm doing some camera tests and it looks sweet - but I might need a wide angle lens. #

Reader Comments (1)

That's great but when will the Indaba contest winner be announced???

April 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarshall

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