Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-04-27

- Microsoft cancelled my Xbox Live account while my 360 was in for RROD repairs. Now I can't reactivate - it gets stuck in a loop. Epic Fail. #
- I hope Redmond understands why I will never again recommend Xbox. PS3 is looking better and better. That's what I'll buy for the TWiT Studio #
- @arnold says that the RROD and Xbox loop are my fault. Hmm. He must work for Microsoft tech support. It's always the user's fault, of course #
- I created a new Xbox Live account (Hank really wanted to play COD4) but what happens to the 6800 points in the permanently deactivated acct? #
- Q4U: What's the best way to stream an audio-only version of TWiT Live? Live365? I like Shoutcast. Other companies to look at? #
- Hah. I told Brightkite I was at home and it placed me at Leisure Lake Mobile Home Park, Rohnert Park, CA, USA - bug or prophecy? #
- @Merk thinks it's "rude" of me to bash MS instead of calling support. Doesn't crappy service deserve airing? I should be quiet and take it? #
- I know how to do Shoutcast - I just don't want to pay for the bandwidth. Sounds like Live385 is a poor choice. Anyone similar out there? #
- Retweeting @jeffjarvis - Clay Shirky at Web 2.0 - a must read: - what will you do with your cognitive surplus? #
Reader Comments (1)
Leo,just get a decent $500 dollar computer with nvidia 8800gts card.
it will run cod4 on pc very smooth. at resolution of 1280x768.