Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-05-09
Friday, May 9, 2008 at 11:59PM
- Back from dinner with Anton Zajac, CEO of AV Co. Eset. He's also a theoretical physicist working on a unified theory of superconductivity. #
- @joshfreeman Yes Times does support, but only by pushing you to your page. I prefer Pukka-style integration (or AppleScripting). #
- @jwalkerjr We talked about why elephants have big ears (turns out surface area decreases with volume hence the need for added cooling area). #
- Technically the RATIO of surface to volume decreases, but you get the idea. #
- OMG Adagio Teas does have a Martin Sargent blend. It's made of people!! #
- @logixdavid I use Yojimbo to store info, but am migrating to the cross-platform, net-syncing Evernote. The cloud's where it's at. #
- Wonder what @martinsargent will do when he discovers that his producer has booked me on Internet Superstar? Will he have the nerve to do it? #
- @patricknorton I guess you don't know our "history." Or should I say "herstory." Ask @martinsargent - if he has the guts to tell it. #
- @dlprager You should know better than anyone why @martinsargent and I can't be in the same room. Didn't you get deposed, too? #
- I'm liking @Mento very much indeed. meets StumbleUpon + FB. Another fine web 2.0 site from Down Under. #
- Dang. Something's wrong with the Tricaster. It's mostly not seeing the cameras. Maybe something shook loose in transit. #
- Sitting here while Pat and Colleen play with lights and our grid (which is working swell). Watching old Screen Savers clips for inspiration. #
Reader Comments (1)
Leo - I checked out Mento, on your recommendation, and found it to be refreshingly easy and helpful. And, I know my friends are already happy about not getting a zillion link emails from me every day. Thanks, and check out my post on my personal experience with Mento (please, let me know what you think)...