Dipity Do!

Tomorrow on net@night (watch live at 4p Pacific/7p Eastern/11p UTC at Amber and I will be talking with Dipity - a new and very cool web service that turns your feeds into a timeline quickly and easily. You supply links to your Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Wordpress blog, or other feeds and Dipity automatically turns them into a timeline or flipbook of your life.
Here's my Dipity timeline from the past year or so.
I wish this had been around 20 years ago - I'd love to go back that far. But then, 20 years from now I'll have this!
Reader Comments (5)
[...] (Thanks to Leo for the tip) Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. [...]
Haha, the things we find on the Internet. When I literally think that everything has officially been thought of, the Internet says, "not so fast".
This is a great visual tool and it also consolidates most of your social networking. One stop shop.
Looks great. I will give it a go! Can't wait to listen to the netcast.
Exact reason that Granny loves Net at Night- great web apps! Love you techie kids!
Dipity is really awesome!! I am glad that net@night picked it for a recommendation. A good feature would be if you can safe your time line to your own machine.
Keep up the good work @ Amber and Leo