Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-05-13

- @rmateu You sent me an invite to Buzzword last summer? I am an idiot. Belated thanks! It's fantastic! http://buzzword.com #
- How many viewers for the Digg Town Hall? I tried to get in at 5:25 and never got a picture. I'm trying to figure out what Ustream's max is. #
- Hey this Amish Friendship Bread isn't bad, in a vanilla puddingy cinnamony way. #
- @zaphx I still use the word "podcast" all the time, but it's less and less relevant considering the wide variety of content we're all doing. #
- I've created a TWiT Live production calendar: http://snurl.com/28nng on the web or add this to your iCal or gCal: http://snurl.com/28nno #
- @reefinyateef They're marked as PDT in Google calendar, so I think your calendar should convert them, if it supports time zones anyway. #
- @purpleshark Try this: http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/4qj83c651jkqcpmhvmp1pk9t58%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics #
- @johnmorton RSS TWiT Live cal: http://tinyurl.com/5qehmk #

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