« Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-06-12 | Main | Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-06-09 »

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-06-11

  • I think this is probably my last day at #1 on Twitter. @kevinrose is only 150 back. It was fun while it lasted. http://snipurl.com/2ezbc #
  • The toughest thing about spending all day on the air is all the email and stuff that accumulates. Still going through it. -sigh- #
  • Hey EA where's my advance copy of Spore? Am I not enough of a Sporelebrity for you? Time to call Bing. #
  • @NoHypeReviews Who has Spore tonight? @ijustine, @kevinrose, @laughingsquid - and probably many more. That's ok. I just got Zelda on the DS. #
  • @laughingsquid oops. Freudian slip. #
  • @sirtwist Advertising on TWiT is handled by Podtrac, and an excellent job they do. #
  • @wilshipley If I'd had a copy I would have given it to you. If you had invited me to your party I mean. I feel like Kathy Griffin right now. #
  • I just added a new feed 'Toluu Blog' http://www.toluu.com/feeds/999944921 #
  • I just added a new feed 'Read/WriteWeb' http://www.toluu.com/feeds/357227122 #
  • I just added a new feed 'TechCrunch' http://www.toluu.com/feeds/114731626 #
  • I just turned off Toluu's "I just added a new feed" feature. #
  • @dsilverman It's Twitter-spam and I'm sorry I contributed! It makes sense in an aggregator like FF, but not Twitter. #
  • @randypeterman I'm an atheist, but any educated westerner should know the Bible. #
  • Talking about Twitter uses, Ebay scams, and the Ultimate Gaming Machine on Twit Live right now. http://twitlive.tv #

Reader Comments (3)

Hey Macbreakweekly is not downloading this morning!?

June 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterchristopher cushman

Hey Macbreakweekly is not downloading this morning!?

June 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterchristopher cushman

What area are you in? It's fine for me but sometimes an individual caching server seems to get a partial copy. The servers in Florida and Missouri, in particular, seem to be prone to this. I don't know of a fix.

June 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterleolaporte

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