Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-16

- @patricknorton perfect timing. My Drobo just went red. Ordered two of the Samsung 750s. #
- @miqal Easily the best Twitter web client for the iPhone. Arguably even better than the Twitterific applet. #
- Having the devil of a time with the Wordpress 2.6 upgrade. There's an incompatible plug-in that results in a blank blog. Narrowing it down. #
- @mikema Red on the Drobo just means I've filled it up, but adding new bigger drives fixes it. That's the beauty of the Drobo - mix 'n' match #
- Best of John Mellencamp is $1.99 at Amazon today. We're going to see him (and Lucinda Williams) in two weeks at the Greek! #
- @digitalslob "The Captain Kangaroo of tech?" I like it! He was a big influence. Arthur Godfrey, too! #
- @darrinholst They're remnants of a time, long ago, when I left Twitter for greener pastures. I returned last November, tail between my legs. #
- @johnbaxter And no Violet Blue mentions to excise. #
- @IntoTheTouch Yes indeed. Cachefly has agreed to host the TODcast. (Thanks!!) Once we get a workflow going expect several videos a week. #
- Making iPhone ringtones with - Mellencamp, Roxy Music, and Kraftwerk. Fahren fahren fahren auf der Autobahn Informatische. #
- @jasontho credit to @l0ckergn0me - Pirillo tweeter first. #
- Met mom and Jen for lunch at della Fattoria. Decaf today - I need to sleep better. Or maybe it's my guilty conscience? near 5th St & A St #
- @ChrisHanel If someone wanted to stalk me they could - I'm not hard to find. Fortunately, no one does. (Altho I'm worried about @iJustine.) #
- @thatSTEVE Yeah I still use the Infrant - in fact, we got a second ReadyNAS. We use one for shows in progress the other for backup. #
- @epstudios Very cool! I am downloading Todo for the iPhone now - I'll let you know how it works with Remember the Milk. #
- @pop17 Those Playboy polls are insulting and demeaning. Most people put up with them for the publicity - good on you for protesting. #
- @Roger_D ToDo works very well with RTM pro. Syncing works. Wish it had OmniFocus's location awareness, but it's omy new To Do list manager. #


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nice share! love this
thanks anyway
nice share! what can i do with this?