« Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-22 | Main | TWiT 152 Pulled »

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-21

  • It's peanut butter pasta time! near Keller St & Western Ave #
  • I'm pulling TWiT 152 - there was an audio error in editing. We'll fix it and repost ASAP. My apologies. #
  • TWiT 152 is fixed and I'm uploading it now. It's on TWiT.tv. It will take a few minutes for the feeds to update. http://snurl.com/32h8a #
  • @Rubica I was playing YouTube videos of LittleBitPlanet and MAG. I record everything, but in this case didn't silence it in the mixdown. #
  • @coolvibe Dane will fix the AAC, Ogg, and low-bandwidth versions when he gets in later today. I've corrected the main version, however. #
  • @dragenx Roz Rows 24 has been fixed and should download now. Sorry - I left a stray space in the filename. Hard to see them spaces. #
  • If I Twitter in Twinkle do other Twinks in my neighborhood see it? Inquiring minds want to know! #
  • The city of Petslums says we're using 450 gallons of water A DAY! We used to live on 50. Not sure what's wrong but the inspectors are coming #

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