Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-26
Saturday, July 26, 2008 at 11:59PM
- I'm going to start using Tokbox for listener and viewer questions/comments - no account necessary for you: #
- @frohman Sorry - I won't crosspost any more. I'll reserve @twitlive for TWiT Live announcements and leave @leolaporte for lunch items. #
- @darutter I love the iPhone but without Flash you can't watch TWiT Live, and without video you can't send q's. And where's the podcatcher? #
Leoville | 2 Comments |
in Tweets
Reader Comments (2)
Thanks for the heads up on tokbox. Looks pretty cool! Can you use this for short video uploads on a blog? If so, maybe I'll try that for my site.
Never mind. I found out that there is the "Embed" button off on the left (after logging in) so I can embed it on my site. I found it via their blog. Seems very cool. Very similar to Eyejot in that you don't need to have an account to view the video. I wonder if there's a time limit on this like Eyejot or GabMail. I guess I'll have to check.