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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-08-13

  • @carsonblack we use the Tricaster Studio. Excellent. #
  • @haysmoke we're doing MacBreak Weekly this morning. It'll be out by 2pm then TWIT Live is off to Vegas for NME. #
  • @heyheyitsdavid We're doing TWiT Live from the show floor at Podcast Expo (NME) tomorrow and Friday. Stop by or watch http://twitlive.tv ! #
  • @garyvee Looking forward to your keynote tomorrow, and please come be on the show. We'll be in the Stickam booth all day Thurs and Fri! #
  • Packing the cameras, Tricaster, Litepanels, & mixer into a van. Colleen and Tony are driving it down to Vegas today. Watch for Dash tweets. #
  • 40404 #
  • Colleen and Tony and the TWiT Live caravan are currently in Petaluma, CA. (Lat:38.232535 - Lon:-122.64158) http://xrl.us/onieq #
  • Tony and Colleen are off. Follow them at http://stickam.com/twitcolleen #
  • Colleen and Tony and the TWiT Live caravan are currently in San Francisco, CA. (Lat:37.777633 - Lon:-122.402006) http://xrl.us/oniw7 #
  • Colleen and Tony and the TWiT Live caravan are currently in Oakland, CA. (Lat:37.757024 - Lon:-122.148417) http://xrl.us/oniy3 #
  • Colleen and Tony and the TWiT Live caravan are currently in Livermore, CA. (Lat:37.700585 - Lon:-121.794614) http://xrl.us/oni4p #
  • Colleen and Tony and the TWiT Live caravan are currently in Ripon, CA. (Lat:37.771555 - Lon:-121.175363) http://xrl.us/oni8n #
  • Colleen and Tony and the TWiT Live caravan are currently in Ripon, CA. (Lat:37.768865 - Lon:-121.171248) http://xrl.us/oni8p #
  • Interesting. Apparently some people will follow me as long as I don't update. Is the secret to Twitter success not to say anything at all? #

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