Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-08-22

- Woops. I screwed up the Laconica server already. There's some PHP weirdness We're moving it to anyway. Back soon. #
- @wisequark Nope PHP5: #
- I predict Obama with send you an SMS in 10 minutes - right after the market closes. Please let it be Hillary. #
- @pazaq USB universal drive adapter: #
- @galfridus73 She brings 18 million votes to the ticket. Plus women. Plus hispanics. She brings some negatives, too, but Obama needs 2b bold. #
- @jchaager It's the swing voters that count - and Clinton seems to do well with them. Might not be be today now - missed the news cycle. #
- @stubywwjd What world do you live in? I understand party loyalty but haven't you been screwed enough? #
- @thomaslandgraf I'm sorry? You're allowed to express an opinion but I am not? You must be a Republican. #


Reader Comments (2)
I know what it's like to mess up a server.....
@leolaporte banned from @techgurus for political propaganda :)