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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-09-27

  • I get kind of teary and proud of our country at times like this. #
  • McCain started off strong and folksy - but seems to have lost his way in the weed. #
  • "It's not the beginning of the end, it's the end of the beginning." Mmmkay. #
  • The best thing they could do for America tonight is to simply say, here's where we differ; let the people choose. So far, so good. #
  • @jjesse The idea that in this country, whatever our differences, we can freely debate the issues, and let the people choose. #
  • Obama is clearly better prepared for the foreign affairs issues than economic issues. #
  • @KevinI Pardon? I ALWAYS pay for the shareware I use and strongly encourage others to do so, as well. #
  • @amdew2 I use Remember the Milk for a to-do list, http://rmilk.com, and Google Calendar for my online calendar. #
  • @irinaslutsky Can't wait to see your interview. Wil said you were hilarious. Come by my house any time. The cameras are in the office, tho. #

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