Abby Arrives In France

We haven't heard from Abby yet, and we're not going to bug her, but we do know she's safe and sound in France. We have pictures to prove it.
This is her host family picking her up yesterday. I think she'll feel right at home!

Reader Comments (7)
I would love to go to France some time. That would be awesome.
Posting from iPhone. Works!
You're a braver man than me Leo. Maybe by the time my daughters get to Abby's age, it will be different, but I just couldn't let them out of my site let alone out of this country! I get notifications from the local sheriff's office of sex offenders that live within a mile of my address. It's unbelieveable how many there are.....and I'm in a decent neighborhood! How do you take your little princess from her world of make believe and everything's sweet and wonderful, to, honey, don't go near that house half a block away. Why daddy? That nice man waves to me. {{{{{{shudder}}}}}}
Such a wonderful opportunity for someone her age. She'll do great. I wish my son, Josh, could have done something like that.
Glad she made it :D hard to let kids go. My daughter moved out to start college -- at least she is only 50ish miles away and we can see her occasionally ;)
Hope Abby has a wonderful time in France!
great post thanks!
good outlook