Entries in Alerts (50)


Blog Problems

I know the blog is going up and down right now. I'm trying to figure out why. I can get into the Admin area every time so it's not the server. Thanks for your patience. UPDATE: OK I think I've quashed the bug. It was in the Index template - I have been changing the moblog over to a gallery and it caused a line in my template to hang. All should be well now. Sorry about that.

Handel for the Holidays

Tune in KFI all this week at 8:20a as I talk gadgets for the holidays with Bill Handel. Handel ClausMonday: Cell phones Tuesday: Digital Cameras Wednesday: MP3 players Thursday: Camcorders Friday: Accessories (USB drives, card readers, webcams, etc.) If you're in Southern California listen to 640 AM, elsewhere listen on the net. Or subscribe to the podcast for each day's episode after it airs. Podcasting

Pass on CES

Radio Programming Note: A scheduling issue has come up and I'm going to have to pass on CES this year. I'll be doing the show from the Leoville Labs as usual Jan 8 and 9 - not Las Vegas - but I'll make sure we still get reports from CES that weekend from a number of people who will be there.

iPodder iSsues

If you use iPodder to subscribe to my podcast audio, there is a bug in the program which will cause it to fail to download anything new (with an error 301). iPodder users should use the following URLs until the program is fixed: KFI-> http://feeds.feedburner.com/kfi TLR -> http://feeds.feedburner.com/tlr In the long run it's better to point to the shortcut URLs, http://leoville.tv/podcasts/kfi and http://leoville.tv/podcasts/tlr since these are always guaranteed to point to the right place (in case I stop using Feedburner, for instance), but for now this workaround will do the trick. As far as I know none of the other podcast programs have this problem. I currently recommend iPodderX for the Macintosh, and Doppler for Windows. UPDATE: Thanks to Eric from Feedburner (read the comments) I've been able to fix the issue, so you shouldn't have to change your URLs. Apparently I should have made the redirects TEMP instead of PERMANENT. Who knew? This computer stuff is so complicated!

Guesting on KGO Monday

I'll be a guest on the Ronn Owens Show this Monday from 10-11a. Listen live on KGO AM 810 in San Francisco, or tune in on the Internet.
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