Well I think I've got this place pretty much back to where it was. In fact, I took this opportunity to upgrade to the latest version of my theme,
Revolution 3.0, and make some minor cosmetic improvements. I'm liking it even better now than before.
I lost many of the images from past posts, but it turns out that both my graphics program,
Skitch, and my blog editor,
MarsEdit, preserve uploaded images in an archive, so I was able to get most of the pictures from 2008 back on the blog. Thanks Plasq and Daniel!
Only one thing is stumping me. I can't remember the Wordpress command to insert the most recent post in a given category. I use that on the
front page to put the most recent news and blog posts at the bottom on either side of the Stickam video. It's a little Wordpress PHP and it's quite handy, since I don't need to do anything to update it. Do you know what I'm talking about? Got any idea what the syntax is?
UPDATE: Tollie gave me the command - I've got it working. Thanks Tollie!

Now it's on to resuscitating the TWiT Army and TWiT Contributor Forums. I'm going to take this opportunity to fold the forums back into the TWiT.tv Drupal. Among other things this will automate logins from new contributors.
The TWiT Army Canteen should be up pretty soon with a much improved design, thanks to The Frogman and Mongo. Sounds like a Morning Zoo team, doesn't it.
And I've learned my lesson. Daily backups are in progress. Automatically. So, knock on wood, this will never happen again.
Let me know if you spot any bugs. I think everything is back working again.