Entries in Illustrations (3)


Me and Mr. Bill

Thanks to Tackie for yet another great picture. Can you identify the players here? Leo strangling Mr. Bill, Simpsons style

Le Trio Nouveau

Our house artist, Tackie, has been at it again. He writes:
Greetings again Leo, thumbnail of Le Trio Nouveau Been very busy of late, and regretably, have not had any spare time to devote to any side projects. Well had some spare time today, (ok, and all of tonight) so I followed Andy's suggestion of updating "The Trio" with the new crew member. The first screening of "Trio Nouveau"... Hope you and the guys like it. Kind regards, Steve.
Love it, Steve! Thanks!

Another Tackie Production

In case you missed our Halloween episode, here's Tackie's take on it. Thanks, Steve! thumbnail image