Home Again

I'm back from France and a wonderful visit with Abby. She's studying there until May, so it was a real treat to spend some time with her. She's acclimated wonderfully, and her French is excellent.
Henry and I came home yesterday. We left Jennifer behind because she lost her passport on Friday and couldn't get a new one until today. She'll fly back tomorrow, but I have a feeling she's probably glad of some extra time in Paris with Abby. I know I would be.
I took well over 1000 pictures with the 5D Mark II. I'll be sorting and posting over the next few days. I didn't spend as much time taking pictures as I thought, though. I was having too much fun visiting Abby and la belle pays, France.
Meanwhile here's something to tide you over. A little video Myra Joyce made for us... Happy Holidays!
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