Entries in KFI (2)


Jawbone Audition on Handel

July 1, Californians will join many other states and countries in requiring drivers to use handsfree devices when talking on their cell phones. I called Bill using the Jawbone today. Listen to the audio here. I currently use the BlueAnt Supertooth Light in my car. It has its own speaker and mic and attaches to the visor. It works pretty well and gets great battery life (as long as you remember to turn it off when you're not in the car). Here's a recording I made in the same room as the Jawbone recording. It doesn't sound much better, but it's usable. Another system that requires no installation but uses your car speakers is The Tooth Pik. I haven't tried it and can't offer a sample recording but if someone has one let me know so I can record it! By the way, there really was a Bone Fone. Here's the original ad, courtesy the Pocket Caculator Show:


Gadget Ideas for Kids

Here are my gadget picks for the kids in your life, as heard on the Bill Handel Show on KFI Los Angeles, Wednesday 19 December 2007 at 7:45a.
  • Kajeet - the cell phone for kids, with parental controls on what the kids can do and when. No activation cost. No termination fee. 35¢ per day. Phones for $60.
  • Everybody wants Webkinz, the stuffed toys from Ganz that have a second life online. $10 and up
  • But if you want a dinosaur instead, how about Pleo. An autonomous robot that learns as you play with it. $350.
  • Rock out with Rock Band for the Xbox360 and Playstation - the whole family will love this game as you form your own band, create and customize your own rocker, and travel on a fast rise to fame around the world. $60 for the game, but you'll want to get the guitar, drums, and mic, too, for a total of $170.
  • Get up close and personal with your belly button lint, hair follicles, and fingernails (eww) with the Jakks EyeClops Bionic Eye. This $40 200x microscope camera hooks up to any TV and provides hours of grossout fun.
  • The Leapfrog FLY Fusion Pentop Computer puts a computer in a pen. Not as useful as they make out for doing homework, but lots of fun and a real tech marvel. $80
  • I mentioned it Monday, but it's still a great idea: A USB, camera, and green screen for the kids for under $100, the RipRoar Creation Station.
What are you getting for your kids this holiday season?