Call Me Sweater Boy

Talk about hitting the ground running. Wednesday I'm doing a presentation on Mac OS X secrets at MacWorld Expo and I've been spending the last few days frantically trying to find some. Secrets, that is. The pressure's on because this presentation is for the ProTrack - meaning I can't just show them cool Command key combos. Fortunately, there are lots of UNIX hacks I can do. Did you know the emacs text editor has Eliza built-in? Hit Shift-Esc then enter "k doctor" and confess your troubles. The doctor is in.
Then Thursday morning I'm flying to Las Vegas to host the Best of CES awards for TechTV. I'll be doing feeds from Vegas for The Screen Savers and various other media outlets, too. It's going to be hectic, because I have to find a dozen or so really cool products to bring to New York City the following week for Live with Regis and Kelly. That's right, unbelievably, they've already asked me back, less than a month after my last appearance. Regis is going to get really sick of me, I just know it.
TechTV PR wanted more and better plugs on the show, so they've had some sweaters made up for me with the TechTV logo on them to wear on the show. That way if Regis forgets to mention TechTV it's ok. Jeez. I might as well be wearing an orange blazer with a TechTV patch. Just kidding guys. Really.
I'm flying to NYC after the show on Monday, rehearsing Tuesday, doing Live on Wednesday, then flying right back for TSS that night.
I need a vacation already.
MacWorld Expo,
Regis in