Entries in scobleizer (2)


Scoble, Part 2

Part two of my conversation with Robert Scoble for his FastCompany.tv...
Nice shot of the Emmy. Thanks for the interview, Robert!

Scoble And The Weather

Robert Scoble is like the weather. Everyone complains about him, but no one can do anything about him. (I kid.) Part one of the interview I did with Scoble for FastCompany.tv is online. Part two should be up tomorrow. If you missed my MMacworld keynote, many of the things I talked about appear in this show...
Man do I need a haircut. The rest of the keynote made its way into this podcast interview I did last night with the Weather Brains (four TV meteorologists who have a very entertaining audio show about weather). Weatherbrains Episode 155 Follow the Weatherbrains on Twitter: James Spann, JB Elliott, Brian Peters, Kevin Selle. I thank them for their hospitality.