Entries in TechTV (92)


How's My Hair?

I came back to work yesterday for the first time since the layoffs and it was so weird. The halls were much quieter. Partly because there were fewer people. Partly because people are a little subdued. I greeted everyone I saw with "I'm glad you survived!" which puzzled a few people until they realized that this was my first day back. But I missed so many who would have been there. Among the most missed, our hair, makeup, and wardrobe folks. It's humiliating to admit this, but we have to do for ourselves these days. They laid off all the stylists. I doubt this situation will last long - it's just too bizarre to have a production assistant pretend to apply makeup to our guests - but for now I have to do my own hair and makeup. Which explains the eccentric Elvis swoop in my forelock tonight. I just couldn't do a thing with it. Last week I went to the local M.A.C. cosmetics store to stock up. The good news is that I get a 30% trade discount. The bad news is I'm buying makeup for myself. In case you're interested I wear NC 35 for concealer, apply studio fix NC 40 (a powder foundation), add contour with Symmetry Matte, then powder it whenever I get shiny with Dark Blot Powder #451. I wonder how Patrick is going to handle this when he gets back? On a brighter note, cartoonist Rich Tennant, our guest tonight and the creator of The 5th Wave, did a cartoon of Patrick and me. What an honor.
Cartoon of Leo and Pat
I think my hair looks pretty realistic, don't you?

What's a Segway?

About 80 pounds. Bad joke. Monday on TechLive I'm going to spend an hour with Dean Kamen, the inventor of the Segway HT, that amazing new scooter that was known as Ginger or "it" until its debut last week. Over the past couple of decades I've interviewed many of my heroes, from Walter Cronkite to Buzz Aldrin, Jimmy Stewart to John Cleese, but I've rarely been as excited about an interview as I am about this one. We're going to block off the street in front of the studios and I'll get to put the Segway through its paces. Stand back! Steve Jobs said the Segway was the most important invention since the PC. Many believe it will revolutionize urban transportation. I personally consider Kamen the Edison of our era. I am so stoked that I'm going to get to spend an hour with him. (LAST MINUTE UPDATE:) I spoke too soon. Kamen cancelled. Oh well. Patrick is going to the press event Monday morning so we will have some coverage on The Screen Savers Monday evening anyway. Hey, even if Patrick's right and it's just an over-hyped motorized scooter, it's gonna be cool! Tune in or Tivo it. 4-5p Eastern on TechTV.

Make it so

Well even if I don't get to interview Dean Kamen (see the previous post) at least I'm meeting Capt. Jean-Luc Picard. I'm flying to LA for the day tomorrow to see the new Jimmy Neutron movie and interview Patrick Stewart (who voices one of the characters).

Silicon Spin

Oops. I forgot to mention. I'm filling in for Dvorak on Silicon Spin Thursday and Friday. I did the first one today at 3p Eastern. It will rerun at 2:30a, 7a, and 10:30a Eastern. And I'll be back with the Friday roundtable at 3p Pacific tomorrow. Spin is fun - I'd been pitching a McLaughlin Group style roundtable since my days with c|net - but Dvorak's job is safe!


We had our Screen Savers/Call for Help holiday party last night at a little neighborhood bar named Il Pirata. It wasn't as lavish as in previous years, but very fun nevertheless. I had a great time anyway. I probably shouldn't post this picture, but it wasn't as bad as it appears. Honest!
Leo and Morgan Par-tie down
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