Entries in Television (11)
Behind The Scenes At The Lab
My Three Hosts
We miss Amber so much on Call for Help, but I did get to catch up with her, and record three(!) Inside the Net episodes, at the meetup. The first of those, a look at Nakama, a new moblogging site, will go up October 10.
We're still searching for a Canadian replacement for Amber on Call for Help, but while we do we're very fortunate indeed to have the poised and talented (and lovely) Cali Lewis of GeekBrief.tv filling in for her. Amber's last episode and Cali's first should be airing soon on G4techTV Canada and the HOW-TO Network in Australia. No truth to the rumor that we're changing the show name to "Cali for Help."
Meanwhile Amber's new show, City News International debuts Tuesday, October 10 on Citytv Canada-wide. She'll be on every night. She tells me her US and Aussie fans can catch her pieces on the net every day - I'll post a link as soon as I get one. Her live daily net culture segments on CP24 are also available on the live stream every weekday between 3:30 and 4p Eastern. Internet Exploder is required to watch that.Check out her new blog/vlog Popnology. That's also going to be the name of her new show on CP24. Great name! You'll be able to subscribe to Popnology on iTunes soon, too.
I think flowers are in order, if not a Gemini award!