Entries in TWiT (21)


Blogworld Recap

Vegas Blogworld Day 1 059 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!.jpgI'm back from Las Vegas toting the usual sore throat from the dry air and ciggy smoke, and a Best Podcast award for TWiT from the Weblog Awards. Thanks for all your votes! (And thanks to Tris Hussey for taking all the pictures here.) Despite my fears the speech went well. For some reason this particular talk really worried me. Fortunately, all that flop sweat pushed me to do more than my usual amount of reading and preparation and I had enough information in my head to wing it. I debated whether to create a Keynote presentation, but with pros like Craig Syverson in the audience I really feel less and less inclined to make slides. I have zero graphic ability and standards are so high these days that I generally prefer to rely on words alone. I don't know if there are any recordings of the speech but if I can track one down I'll post it here. I should have recorded it myself - sorry! I don't have anything to share except my bibliography. Yochai Benkler's Wealth of Networks is a deep book about the "networked information economy." It's published by the Yale University Press, but you can also download all 575 pages online. One key quote from Benkler:
Attention in the networked environment is more dependent on being interesting to an engaged group of people than it is in the mass-media environment, where moderate interest to large numbers of weakly engaged viewers is preferable.
For the science of network topologies I relied on Albert-Laszlo Barabasi's fascinating Linked. His insights into how networks form are very useful in understanding how attention flows on the net. I also drew from a number of inspiring essays on ChangeThis. In particular Dean Brenner's To Inform or To Persuade?, Mark Penn and E. Kinney Zalesne's Just 1%: The Power of Microtrends, and Scott Schwertly's Presentation Revolution: Changing the Way the World Does Presentations. ChangeThis is a remarkable site full of stimulating ideas. Highly recommended. And thanks to Douglas Volk for this quote (which I paraphrased):
What's fun and vital about the blogosphere is not that it doesn't speak with the questionably unified ("smothered"?) voice of mass culture, but that individual bloggers only need to speak for themselves and about their own personal interests, and don't need to triangulate themselves against any distinct or nebulous center; it doesn't matter who's paying attention and who isn't, even when lots of people are paying attention! Each blogger is a gravitational center, great or small, but there's no sun they're all orbiting around.
Thanks to everyone who attended the talk - it was a full house despite the hour. You were a great audience. Bloggers, Vloggers, or Podcasters, we are all transforming media for the better. Leo and Justine's panelFinally, a note on the kerfuffle over my session right after my talk. The session was billed as "The Cult of Blogging" and was supposed to feature A-list bloggers Om Malik and Mike Arrington. Om's back was hurt and he couldn't make it. Mike didn't show either but there's some disagreement about why. You can read Mike's story on CrunchNotes, and Rick Calvert's explanation at the BlogWorld site. Apparently I inadvertently ignited a tiny controversy for saying that Mike had "forgotten" his commitment. I apologize for that - but after all as the guy who did show up I had to say something and that's what the organizers had told me. The good news is that up-and-coming A-lister Justine Ezarik filled in admirably and I think the attendees got a lot of good and useful information, even if they didn't get to hear from Om and Mike.

Vancouver Tonight, Cloudy Tomorrow

Baby Plant I'm in Vancity tonight for a 24-hour visit. Tomorrow is the Futureshop "debate" with Amber. I don't even know how you debate LCD vs Plasma, but we'll find a way. Tune in at futureshopforums.ca at 11:30a Pacific to watch - free registration required. Incidentally, as a followup to my previous post, Amber and I have decided to take a hiatus with net@nite. Both of us are too busy to do the show justice at the moment. Sunday's are so jammed for me what with the radio show and TWiT that net@nite is becoming a burden. We're going to look for a better day for both of us and we'll let you know when we're coming back. Now back to researching plasma tvs!

TWiT Update

Don't bug me. Dane has the day off and I've got to get TWiT 113 and The Tech Guy 388 out the door before I go home. Oh yeah, and Munchcast 7! It's been a long time since I had to burn the midnight oil editing TWiT. It really makes me appreciate Dane's help, and the TWiT donors that made Dane's salary possible! Amber was back tonight and we recorded a new net@nite. There were some technical issues during recording so the Talkshoe version won't sound so hot for the first 15-20 minutes. The podcast will be fine - that comes out on TWiT.tv Tuesday. gone-fishin.jpgAfter recording, Amber and I talked about our grueling schedules. She pointed out that most TV shows don't go continuously. They'll end their seasons, take some time off to refresh, then come back for a new season. She suggested that maybe we should do that with netcasts, too. I certainly would welcome some time off - but the idea of going into hiatus with our shows scares me, too. I think most people want and expect the show to be there every week. It's part of their routine. I'd be afraid that people would forget us if we took a month or so off every year (not all at once mind you, but one netcast at any given time). As listeners what do you think?

To Do List

Things to do tomorrow: 1. Fix last week's Jumping Monkeys (there's stray audio at the end) 2. Edit and post this week's Jumping Monkeys 3. Edit and post Saturday's Tech Guy 4. Edit and post Munchcast 5. Record Cali for today's radio show 6. Do the radio show 7. Edit and post the radio show 8. Record TWiT (better get a panel together now!) 9. Record net@nite 10. Collapse Oh yeah, and I better call Shooby and make things right there, too.

The First Radio Mime

TTG album art I'm launching my new national radio show tomorrow and I've completely lost my voice. Freud would have something to say about this. My buddy Al, the throat doc, is telling me to shut up for 24 hours, so I'm canceling everything and going home to rest my voice. But I have to say one more thing before I do: yippee! The Tech Guy radio show launches on Premiere Radio Networks tomorrow with the following stations, and more are joining every hour (including a really big announcement soon I hope).



Starting next weekend:

Back on KGO!

Some of the TWiT hosts will have short segments on the show. The plan is to have one three minute segment each hour at around 23 minutes past the hour. This week Steve Gibson and Paul Thurrott will be on talking security and Vista, respectively. Next week Amber MacArthur, Dick DeBartolo, Merlin Mann, and Ron Rosberg will join the line-up.

Our national launch sponsors will be DSLExtreme and Carbonite (thanks guys!), and thanks to KFI and Premiere Radio Networks for making it happen!

The new chat channel at irc.dslextreme.com is #techguy. The new call-in number is toll-free 1-888-8 ASK LEO (that's 1–888–827–5536).

See you tomorrow (even if you don't hear me!)