Entries in TWiT (21)


Be Mine

Della Fattoria Cookies TWiT is going up at one minute past midnight Monday morning (I'm holding it a little longer than usual because Dvorak revealed some news that's embargoed until then). I also have a new FLOSS Weekly and this WEEK in LAW to post this week. Monday I'll post a visit to the actual Gadget Warehouse, recorded when I was with Dick DeBartolo in Manhattan last week.

Before I left on vacation I had a great conversation with the people at Vox. I've been looking for a web backend for the new Tech Guy radio show. The wiki I'm using now just doesn't offer the social networking features I'm looking for. Thanks to Anil Dash and the folks at Six Apart I think I'm moving to Movable Type /Typepad (not sure which right now) with a new design from Apperceptive. We'll continue to use the wiki until that's done.

I'm also commissioning a theme song from the great Ashley Witt. Ash has done so many of the TWiT themes including Doin' the TWiT.

The show launches in one week - I'll have a final list of affiliates soon.


Sounders You Love

Sorry to be such a laggard in posting. I have a bunch of items to put up - but I've been so busy I haven't had a moment to do it. Just to keep things fresh here's a video version of the TWiT network sounder that the Pixel Corps just worked up. Sorry about the poor quality - Vox is compressing it something awful. You can see it in all its 1080p glory on the new episode of MacBreak coming out later today.

Thanks to Karl Hassenfratz and the Motion Graphics Team at the Pixel Corps for a brilliant job!



Net@nite album artI'm back from MacMania V - and I had a wonderful time. I took a few still pictures, but I spent most of the time playing with the Sanyo Xacti HD1a. I'll post some video in a day or so.

Meanwhile, our first episode of net@nite went pretty well Sunday night. We had a surprise visit from YouTube founder, Steve Chen (did you know the Google-YouTube merger talks started at Denny's?), and a number of nice calls. Our host, Talkshoe, suffered some growing pains, but I expect most of the wrinkles will be ironed out by next week's show. I told them that there would be a few people listening!

The high-quality edited version will go out on the Inside the Net feed Tuesday, but you can hear the raw and uncut right now at Talkshoe. Show notes are available on the net@nite blog.

I've also posted a brand new TWiT, recorded aboard the ms Veendam. It's a completely new cast - none of the regulars were on the cruise - but I think it's a very good show. Steve Stecklow, a senior writer for the Wall St. Journal was along to explain what the latest stock option backdating scandals mean, the very funny Andy Ihnatko weighs in on bottled water, and security and Perl guru, Randal Schwartz makes boat sounds. Stay tuned at the end for an interlude from our Captain.

I'm home this week, with lots of podcasts to record and post, then it's back to Toronto for another week of Call for Help. The wonderful Cali Lewis of Geekbrief.tv will co-host once again for nine shows. The remaining six will be hosted by three different candidates to replace Amber MacArthur. Yes, on-the-air auditions. It's a first for me, and I'm sure it will be a little scary for the propspective hosts, but that's how they do things in Canadia. The shows will air some time next month. undotv logoOh, and one more thing. While I'm in Toronto we'll be holding a launch party for the new undo.tv. Save Tuesday, 11/14, on your calendar. We're taking over No Regrets once again for the event. Details to follow.


The Revenge of the Bleep

imageIt is done. The first ROTSS has been posted. Subscribe to the podcast to get it by midnight every Sunday, press the play button to the left, or download it directly. It's a 56kbps MP3Pro file weighing in at around 14MB. Join Patrick Norton, Kevin Rose, Robert Heron, and me for 34 minutes of Skyping fun as we discuss driving in the dust, cell phones, Kevin's new webcast, systm, and the demise of TechTV. We plan to do this weekly with a rotating cast of characters. Your input is welcome. (Anyone want to design a logo? - Update: Thanks to all of you who sent in logos. The one you see here is by Lori LeBeau-Walsh. G4 has told us that they intend to reserve rights to the name "The Screen Savers" so we'll be considering other choices.) Theme music this week from Wayne and Wax's CD "Boston Jerk." Incidentally, I'm very happy to report that another Screen Saver alumna, Megan Morrone, delivered twin boys on Friday, Huck and Milo weigh in at over seven pounds each. All are doing well, but don't expect Megan to make an appearance on ROTSS any time soon! UPDATE: Welcome slashdot readers. By popular demand, I've created Vorbis and plain MP3 versions of the show. I had hoped to upload them to OurMedia.com but it's not working right now. For the time being I'll host them locally. To defray bandwidth costs, please use the Coral Mirror unless it's not working for you. I'll do this for all future episodes. We plan to record again this Sunday and Yoshi will be joining us. Plain MP3: Coral Mirror - Local Ogg Vorbis: Coral Mirror - Local

TWiT Offices

TWiT Central
The TWiT Building,
originally uploaded by Leo Laporte.
From cameraphone to ShoZu to Drupal. So there.