
Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-08-24

  • @loiclemeur - what's the chance of adding generic Laconica support to Twhirl? The TWiT Army awaits with interest! #
  • OK Tricaster is back up - thanks for your patience #
  • @darkbulb I don't know. How many email providers do we need? Microblogs are about communication not broadcasting. I have seen the light! #
  • @darkbulb Besides, the TWiT Army has helmets. #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-08-22

  • Woops. I screwed up the Laconica server already. There's some PHP weirdness We're moving it to anyway. Back soon. #
  • @wisequark Nope PHP5: #
  • I predict Obama with send you an SMS in 10 minutes - right after the market closes. Please let it be Hillary. #
  • @pazaq USB universal drive adapter: #
  • @galfridus73 She brings 18 million votes to the ticket. Plus women. Plus hispanics. She brings some negatives, too, but Obama needs 2b bold. #
  • @jchaager It's the swing voters that count - and Clinton seems to do well with them. Might not be be today now - missed the news cycle. #
  • @stubywwjd What world do you live in? I understand party loyalty but haven't you been screwed enough? #
  • @thomaslandgraf I'm sorry? You're allowed to express an opinion but I am not? You must be a Republican. #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-08-21

  • Shoot. I rebooted and now it won't come back up. #
  • @HighTechDad Yeah. I'm thinking that instead of driving traffic to every other service I should just run my own microblog. #
  • @AJBlue98 Absolutely - that's the idea. Laconica interoperates with and others in a loose federation. Stay tuned. #
  • @smossner Apparently you DO have to reboot three times. I tried twice, filed a ticket, then they rebooted just fine. Back to Halo. #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-08-19


Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-08-18

  • Up and feeling better. Back to Learning Lua. Fun little app scripting language. It's in VoodooPad among others. #
  • Retweeting @danegolden Due to awesome NME, Monday's DGW will come out Mon afternoon. N@N and FLOSS delayed til Tues sometime. Thank you. #
  • @pkedrosky Will it be possible to elect a US President that doesn't at least pretend to believe in God in my lifetime? I think not, alas. #
  • Last day of summer for Henry tomorrow - taking him and three friends to Waterworld for a final dip. #
  • @johngrinde I screwed up the numbering. There is no Roz Rows 32. Sorry! #
  • The only place Crocs with socks don't look out of place. near Waterworld, Concord CA USA #