
Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-27

  • Installing ATV 3.2 right now - looking forward to external USB drive support for the AppleTV. #
  • Yes I know, like Nero fiddling while burns. But I've asked our webmaster to fix it - better him than me. #
  • Well it looks like the drive on the Tricaster is dead as a doornail. I should have made a duplicate - I was planning to but didn't. -sigh- #
  • @chromaphobic - iPhone remote is _very_ cool, but only Sapphire works with AppleTV 2.1. I'm sure Nito and the others will update soon, tho. #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-26

  • I'm going to start using Tokbox for listener and viewer questions/comments - no account necessary for you: #
  • @frohman Sorry - I won't crosspost any more. I'll reserve @twitlive for TWiT Live announcements and leave @leolaporte for lunch items. #
  • @darutter I love the iPhone but without Flash you can't watch TWiT Live, and without video you can't send q's. And where's the podcatcher? #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-25

  • Carnitas super burritos for four. near Caulfield Ln & Lakeville St #
  • Now that Anathem is done I am bereft. I guess I'll go back to Peter Hamilton's Night's Dawn Trilogy. It's like 3000 pages long. #
  • @superavit actually I'm going to talk about Twitter tomorrow morning on LA's # 1 radio show. I'll probably say nice things. #
  • Talking about Twitter on the Bill Handel Show, KFI 640 Los Angeles in a minute or two. #
  • @MinutNudler MSM is not known for in-depth coverage. Reminds me of trying to squeeze 20 products into 3 minutes on Regis. I'm used to it. #
  • @wegues Why not install OpenBSD? In Linuxes I like Ubuntu - it's based on Debian and very polished. Visit for choices #
  • @mcconnell I gave up. Jaiku got sold, Google closed it to the public, and all my friends stayed on Twitter anyway. #
  • Enjoying a cup of tea in my empty office. It's nice here when the staff is gone. Reminds me of the days when TWiT was just me and a mic. #
  • Send questions to Roz for our Saturday Q&A session. Either Twitter @rozsavage, email, or use for video. #
  • Live now on on TWiT Live: Chris Marquardt of Tips From The Top Floor talking digital photography. #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-24

  • Interesting - Twitter just did a major adjustment of Follower counts. And I was so close to 50,000. At least @kevinrose shrank with me. #
  • Finally saw WALL-E last night. My wife thought it too grim and industrial - I loved it. Such imagination and detail. Loved the Axiom. #
  • Solved the case of the disappearing Flickr photos. When you delete photos in the iPhone app AirMe it kills them on Flickr as well. Not good. #
  • It's as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened. #
  • @marcoamorales @techcrunch is so adamant about Google buying Digg I am starting to believe. Asked @kevinrose to be on TWiT Sun just in case. #
  • Booked Christmas in France. Paris and Rennes. near Melanie Ct & Olive St #

Mom Sells Brain Toniq

Picture 1.jpg
My mother the pitch man.