
Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-06

  • Training my brain with If there were some way to prevent Alzheimers I'd do it. #
  • @mrichtel's Twitter novel does feel a lot like Momento. Amnesia is a fascinating subject. (Not for the kiddies, tho.) #
  • Update on Anathem, Neal Stephenson's latest. I'm 300 out 1000 pages in and it's wonderful. More sci-fi than Quicksilver or Cryptonomicon. #
  • So far Anathem is up there with Stephenson's best - and that's saying a lot. #
  • Best line so far: "Our opponent is an alien starship packed with atomic bombs. We have a protractor." #
  • @sunspotwendy Delicious Library is the best CD/DVD organizer. Mac only, tho. If you're stuck with Windows I think Access using ODBC and Jet. #
  • @sunspotwendy My Windows usin' compadres say Libra and Mediaman are good choices for cataloging your discs. #
  • TWiT today features @jasoncalacanis, @dsilverman, and @acedtect. Looking for stories tho! Live in 20 at #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-04

  • Obama says he might pull troops out of Iraq, but he'll definitely take the TV out of the Lincoln Bedroom. Elitist. #
  • Biggest photo site in the world? Facebook with 30 billion images taking 540 terabytes, peak of 475,000 images/sec served. #
  • @louisgray Tweetdeck is very nice. Breaking tweets out into @ replies and groups makes sense. Pretty, too. #
  • Flowgram slide show about Facebook's photo storage techniques is: #
  • @ed_gutman Looks like URL snippers are ignoring everything after the hash character in your URLs. #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-07-03

  • My neighbor got a new iPod. She has Tiger. Apple says she needs to buy Leopard just to use her new iPod. That's unjustifiable greed. #
  • It's funny to see all the Twitterati flock to - we're all so desparate for a Twitter that works. Why not just clone it? #
  • Sorry - I get my big cats confused. She has 10.3. New iPods require 10.4.9 or later. Still absurd since Panther runs iTunes 7 just fine. #
  • NY Times reporter Matt Richtel is writing a Twitter novel "by" an amnesiac who is using his phone to tell his story. Riveting. @mrichtel #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-06-30

  • My Twitter @ replies are working again and I have hundreds and hundreds to read. I can't respond to you all - I apologize! #
  • @leolaporte You're right, Beronica, shoulda thought of Summize. But I still have too many @s to reply to. Even 10 replies would choke Twttr. #
  • Horrible thought. What if "The Website Is Down" is a viral marketing ad for It's things like this that keep me up at night. #
  • @DonMcAllister I was wondering the same thang. Must be some blue-nosed Twitter client. BTW redacted doesn't mean the same thing as censored. #
  • Checking in from 38 Old Corona Rd in Petaluma, CA. (Lat:38.262605 - Lon:-122.660932) #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-06-29

  • I confess I've mostly moved over to FriendFeed. - it's busier but lends itself better to conversation. #
  • And it's always up. #
  • @thurrott Good point. Perhaps Twitter is just trying to save us from our own compulsive behavior. #