
Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-06-27

  • @davewiner is fantastic! A personality Google. #
  • I'm going to have to punt today. I'm feeling like crap and we have to work on the new Tricaster 2.0. Sorry about that. Back live 10a Sat. #
  • @chrispirillo It's a toss up between borborygmus and callipygous. Them Greeks really knew how to coin a word. #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-06-25

  • @CaliLewis That would be sooooo cool. We could do a joint broadcast Cali/TWiT Live from Podcast Expo! #
  • @tiffanyrenee If you are in line for the iPhone July 11 (if?) bring your laptop & camera so you can Skype in to TWiT Live's global coverage. #
  • I just want to stay home and read Anathem. It's really good. Instead I'll play some of the music from the CD on @twitlive today. #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-06-24

  • I'm less likely to read print lately because I can't tag, bookmark, and share the stories. Info gathering has become a social process for me #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-06-23

  • What's worse than a red-eye fight? A red-eye to Newark. That's delayed two hours. And all that's left is a middle seat. And I'm in it. #
  • 2.5 hours late. At this point I'm praying that the flight gets cancelled. I'm gonna miss half my meetings anyway. #
  • All done meeting with Audible. Recorded a kids book for them. I make a mean wolf. They're going to sponsor our iPhone launch coverage 7/11. #
  • @Mickipedia It's not you, it's me. My red-eye to Newark last night was delayed two hours, and now my flight home is stuck for two, too. #

Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-06-22

  • OH: "There's no crying at the DMV." (DMV lady to @AbbyLaporte who didn't have her permit with her. She got her license anyway.) #