Friday Night Lights

- The German police continue to diss Sven J, the author of the Sasser worm and 18 Netsky variants. Now they're calling him a "script kiddy." (I'd love to know the German for that.) Sven says he originally wrote Netsky as an anti-virus (true - it removes Bagle). Apparently his poor programming skills created a monster instead. He will be tried as a juvenile and will likely avoid jail time.
- And now there's a new worm that attacks Sasser infected computers. Dabber uses the FTP server installed by Sasser to install itself. Once embedded, Dabber allows backdoor access to the compromised system.
- Yahoo is taking on Google on the email front. Yahoo Mail has announced it's going to up it's free storage from 6 to 100 megabytes. Paid users will get virtually unlimited storage.
- CNN has switched from Google to Yahoo for it's on-site search tool.
- Yahoo and Google agree on one thing: not listing WhenU. The adware company was removed from both search engines when it was accused of manipulating search results using a technique called "cloaking." WhenU said cloaking was used by an outside contractor and they've stopped doing it.
- 2.6 million Americans have taken advantage of cell phone number portability to switch providers since the new rules went into effect in November.

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