Monday at Midnight

- Intel is admitting it has "hit a brick wall" and will radically rethink its chip design strategies. Apparently the latest Pentium IV chips run so hot they're slowing down.
- Passengers flying Lufthansa from Munich to LA today were the first to use sky high Wi-Fi. For $30/flight or $10 per half hour passengers with Wi-Fi enabled laptops could surf the net and send email via a satellite connection to the Internet. Five Lufthansa planes have been fitted with the service and all 80 planes should offer Wi-Fi within two years. Other airlines are also considering the service. The FAA has approved its use at cruising altitude only.
- Vonage has cut its Voice over IP (VoIP) service by $5 a month. The company is trying to build its customer-base quickly to stave off competition.
- Microsoft shills the Alexis de Toqueville Institution are try to spread a little FUD by claiming Linus Torvalds didn't write Linux. Linus admits it - he says he was just covering for Santa and the Tooth Fairy. It's one thing to blame terrorism on Open Source, but this is really going too far.

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