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Monday Morning Coming Down

All the news that's fit to rant aboutHere's today's tech news:
  1. This time the RIAA is warning its targets before suing. 204 people will receive letters offering them 10 days to settle before going to court.
  2. Scientists at Rice University have created nanocell memories, essentially static RAMs made by dunking a sliver of gold treated silicon dioxide in a molecular bath of gold nanowires and organic chemicals. Chemist Jim Tour of Rice says, "Our research shows that ordered precision isn't a prerequisite for computing. It is possible to make memory circuits out of disordered systems."
  3. Massachusetts is adopting a policy of "open standards, open source," at least partially eliminating Microsoft products from the state's $80 million technology budget.
  4. A UK teen and admitted member of the Allied Haxor Elite was acquitted Friday of launching a distributed denial of service attack against the Port of Houston, Texas. The teen's defense: it wasn't me, it was a Trojan Horse. He also claimed the prosecution's chief evidence, log files, had been planted on his computer. A computer forensics expert had testified that the logs were unmodified.
  5. Verisign says it's selling Network Solutions, the domain registrar, to a private investment company for $100 million. Verisign will keep the .com and .net registries, however, and still plans to restore Site Finder.
  6. Cameras are not allowed in the courtroom during the trial of John Allen Muhammad, the alleged Washington sniper, but the Virginian-Pilot of Norfolk, VA is using a reporter equipped with a Wi-Fi enabled laptop to file online updates every ten minutes.
  7. The new Outlook 2003 can send self-destructing emails. Too late for the folks at Enron and Morgan Stanley, alas.
  8. Google was fined €75,000 by a French court for linking its text ads to trademarked terms. No more showing ads for Sun when Microsoft is in the search term, for example. Google will appeal.

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