Entries in News (80)


Tired of Twitter Talk? Me Too!

Got this email today from my friend Ben:

Leo, I'd like to propose a challenge.

Next weekend, while you're streaming, refrain from mentioning twitter. Both days. You're viewers and listeners love TWiT, but we're just afraid you have a problem, and we want you to get better. Give it a try?


Remember when the iPhone was the big story? People got awfully sick of that. I'm just as sick of talking about Twitter as you are listening to us talk about Twitter. The problem is that Twitter is a big story, and getting bigger all the time. We talk about it because it's one of the biggest stories of the day. I understand if you're bored with it, but we can't ignore stories just because some of our listeners have heard enough about them.

I refer you to the great radio newsman Scoop Nisker, who signed off every newscast on KSAN in San Francisco with the words,

If you don't like the news, go out and make some of your own!

I look forward to covering your great leap forward!


This Week's Top Tech Stories

My regular segment on the John Donabie Show, Saturday mornings on CFRB is coming up. These are the top stories I'll talk about this week:
  • It's not all iPhone, Blackberry sales doubled this quarter. Black Friday (the day after US Thanksgiving) was the best day in RIM history.
  • After three years in court, Apple rumor site ThinkSecret shutters, but they don't have to reveal the names of their informants.skitched-20071221-082713.jpg
  • Last minute gift idea: try donating to Kiva.org - this charitable site helps people in developing nations create new businesses with small loans. Gift certificates are available.
Happy holidays to all my friends in Toronto!

John Donabie Show, CFRB Toronto, 15 Dec 2007

I joined John Donabie Saturday morning, as I do most Saturdays, to talk about the hot tech news. Top stories for this week:

The Other Shoe

Nitrozac paintings.jpgFrom Apple - Hot News, his Stevieness says...
Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers’ hands in February. ... It will take until February to release an SDK because we’re trying to do two diametrically opposed things at once—provide an advanced and open platform to developers while at the same time protect iPhone users from viruses, malware, privacy attacks, etc. This is no easy task. ... P.S.: The SDK will also allow developers to create applications for iPod touch.
(Emphasis mine.) Hallelujah!

The Race Begins

sputnik.jpgSputnik was launched on this day 50 years ago, beginning the space race. And there's a more personal anniversary for me. It was on this day, three years ago, that I created my first podcast: an RSS feed of episodes of my radio show. You can read my post about it here. We've come a long way in three years!