News for Tuesday

- Watch out Intel, Athlon 64 ships today. Tom's Hardware says AMD wins PR battle, but says enthusiasts are giving AMD an interest free loan until 64-bit software appears. Interesting. We'll have benchmarks tonight.
- Microsoft responds by announcing a beta test version of 64-bit Windows XP but it won't ship until the first half of 2004.
- Yahoo opens a Froogle like comparison shopping site.
- Google trials local search service on Google Labs. Enter address and search term to narrow to specific location. You get a map in the results, too!
- Microsoft settles with Massachusetts for (insert Dr. Evil look here) one million dollars to pay legal fees. Mass was the last state still holding out for harsher penalties in the DOJ vs Microsoft case.
- BMG Entertainment plans to release a copy protected compact disc today that allows consumers to download, email, and burn songs up to three times. Why three copies? SunnComm Copy protection COO William Whitmore says, "Well, we could have made it zero copies. "
- Galileo ended its 14 year mission Sunday with fiery crash onto Jupiter. Researchers hailed the craft as one of the most successful ventures in the history of space exploration.
- Now we've got a fight. Verisign says hell no we won't go.
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