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Tuesday to Toronto

All the news that's fit to rant aboutI'm off to Toronto to visit TechTV Canada and my buddy John Donabie. But first, these stories... Ice cream was first sold in New York on this day in 1786. Frank Lloyd Wright was born in 1867. The Source, the first public online service, opened for business in 1979.
  1. Something else to blame Microsoft for. According to Sandvine, 80% of all spam comes from Windows computers that have been infected by trojan horse viruses like SoBig and Migmaf.
  2. Apple posted a new security update yesterday that fixes the URI vulnerability discovered in Mac OS X last month. You can uninstall Paranoid Android now. Airport Express
  3. Apple also announced a smaller version of its Airport 802.11g wireless networking base station yesterday. The $129 Airport Express plugs directly into the wall and includes a mini-jack for your stereo so it can play back shared iTunes.
  4. Buy a Big Mac, get a song. Starting today you get a free song from Sony's Connect music service with every Big Mac Extra Value Meal you buy at participating McDonald's. The Big Mac Meal Tracks promotion will run through July. Wasn't this supposed to be an iTunes promotion originally?

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