Kevin and Alex are featured in a new series of
online ads for Virgin America.
As bloggers.
actual bloggers appearing in the ad are Xeni Jardin, Cory Doctorow, David Pescovitz, and Mark Frauenfelder of Boing Boing and Pete Rojas of Engadget. I hope they're getting a bunch of money for it. Or at least free tickets.
Reader Comments (9)
Glad to see bloggers are starting to get more mainstream gigs.
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I find it funny that Virgin America decided to put two people in the ad that haven't blogged in years, I love Virgin America but that was just a bad idea. However, Virgin America was said to be (by either Alex or Kevin on a Diggnation episode) the official airline for Revision 3.
Well, Kevin has his tumblelog, and Alex does a bit of blogging with the TRS guys, but I suppose that doesn't really count ;)
Just dugg!
First, I would hardly say that they're "featured" in the ad. They just happen to be sitting there.
Second, those commercials were fantastic. It's impressive to see a corporate advertising department with an actual sense of humour.
Virgin has been on Diggnation before. I remember they did an episode inside of a grounded plane before Virgin was okayed to fly.
[...] Evans). Say what you like about the last bubble, at least it didn’t feature cartoon avatars of A-list bloggers shilling for a British airline (via Life of [...]
[...] Evans). Say what you like about the last bubble, at least it didn’t feature cartoon avatars of A-list bloggers shilling for a British airline (via Life of [...]