Video TWiT Update

Trying out Viddler. Please add your comments to the video by pressing the + button (free Viddler account required). You can even add video comments and tags!

Reader Comments (40)
Merlinism: Fix it in Post.
Nice face at the end there! I like the idea of having video updates! Roll with it.
Excellent idea I like seeing you blog video like so we can see what you are up to behind the scenes
Leo, I get a kick out of your sense of humor! I laughed several times, and my wife even laughed.
And she's a tough audience. ;-)
Please keep doing the video updates. They're a great supplement to everything else you're doing.
kind of cool... not floored by the ability to add comments in the timeline, seems its just an attempt to make the advertising look less obtrusive.
seems there was a huge wave of people trying to make better content, now its getting more like they are looking for better advertising platforms.
I think ichat may be doable is you really restrict the video, I've gotten great results from it using minimum settings.
I liked it. We could really have fun with obnoxious pop up comments.
I like the video additions Leo. You got a snicker from me with the beer swig, you could pass for Alex Albecht's wayward Uncle.
I think it's a good idea if it is simple & quick enough that it doesn't impede your schedule. The idea of using it as a sort of long-form end-of-the-week recap is great because it'd allow you throw links which you think are interesting at us, tell us about your past activities and perhaps give us a little preview of what to expect from you in the future.
I'd say just try it out. If you use it enough you'd eventually find a happy medium between using Twitter, your Wordpress front-end & Viddler.
I personally like Viddler very much. I watch Gary Vaynerchuk at Wine Library TV (http://tv.winelibrary.com/) and he broadcasts every weekday using it.
I enjoy Viddler. Gary Vaynerchuk over at Wine Library TV uses it to do a vidcast every weekday. Your idea of using it as a week-recap device is great. You could tell us about your week, perhaps point us to some neat links/info, and/or give us a bit of a preview about what you'll be up to in the future.
I imagine that once you use it for a while (if you make a concerted effort to try it) you'll find a happy medium between using Twitter, your Wordpress frontend & Viddler.
On a side note, all this convergence is really making personal publication incredibly powerful, isn't it? If perhaps a bit overwhelming in terms of options.
Leo, the lengths you go... I don't buy the bit where you say you should have folks doing this for you. :) I, like many others I feel are out there too, are inspired buy your humble use of WILL. The "Can Do" spirit is alive and you teach us there is much we can do to express ourselves. But I understand having someone help too- the companionship, camaraderie - yet there are a few things we are meant to do on our own without an intercessor.
Think about it, it's late, you had a long day, you got an idea you want to share. You got your beverage, the cam is all warmed up, your sitting there with no pants on ready to shoot a talking head shot, but you have to call in Jeeves to press the freaking button. :)
Bamm - that sort of, would suck me right out of the moment.
Badges? Badges? We don't need no stinking Badges!
Not bad for a first go, Leo - though why b&w? A problem w/Viddler not playing nice w/your Mac, a problem w/Viddler itself - or just a case of being less overhead uploading b&w over color?
Leo! Great to see the video update. Don't much like Viddler though. The video comments are intrusive and distracting which makes the ads less so but still doesn't make up for the general annoyance of the whole thing. And come on, do you really need the rev share? The ads on the blog should do it for you.
I recently moved all my video to Vimeo which has a great embed tool and nice sleek interface reminicent of Flickr. They allow albums and channels of content - a video TWiT channel would be great!
Another nice feature of Vimeo is that they support HD uploads so you'd have some use for that HD Panasonic you bought (still using it?). They stream in full 720p when fulled fullscreen - very cool. Check 'em out! http://www.vimeo.com
(PS I'm not an employee of Vimeo, just a fanboy.)
The built-in microphone on your Mac is not so hot. There are small microphones available like what Morgan Webb uses. You might want to look into that or stop in to any RadioShack when you return to the US.
OW what was the squeak leo!
Leo: I love it! But were you drunk? I mean if so, that's totally cool... but funny. :-)
Anyway, if you could post weekly TWiT updates I would LOVE it.
the local one had better quality and smoother play... try the podpress plugin for wordpress it will do the flash conversion on the fly for you... just started using it for a client who wanted a cheap and quick solution, so far its seems to be working well.
Weird - Viddler blinks the LED on my webcam, just as it does when I visit iJustine's page.
It must be testing whether the hardware's present, but it's a little unsettling at first.
the local one eventually did load. quality is better locally, but for this viddler is fine, and the comments really are fun so I say viddler
Regarding The Mist audiobook you mentioned in the last TWIT - I have one that was put out as an early experiment in audiobooks on a cassette (I think in the 80's). It's performed theatrically, without a narrator, in binaural sound, with multiple actors and a soundstage. Amazing sense of tension there. Recommended.
Just keep in mind that it's a bit of a short story, not a full-on novel.
I also love the concept. A live feel of our Chief TWIT. Leo, you are such a good comedian ;o)
Would love more of these. I love how, even though you're a pro of broadcasting, you're not afraid to do your job 'candidly'. Love your sense of humor - and seeing your face is an added bonus!
Absolutely worth it, Leo. Like you mentioned in the video. Use it on a weekly basis just to keep the TWITs informed.
Hey Leo - I think this is a great use of Viddler! Thanks for giving it a whirl.
Side note for all in the comments here: If you need any help getting yourself setup like Leo is, let me know (my email address is on my web site) and we'll get you squared away.
Looking forward to your weekly updates Leo!
Anyway I can get my Leo fix makes me a happy camper! I love it!
Good stuff Leo, I think you have something good here with the Video blog!