
I'm back from Vancouver - another 15 episodes of The Lab under my growing belt. We had a good week. The team works really hard. Props to Kate, Matt, Sean, Ryan and the whole Greedy crew.
Things have been a little slow here because I'm busy "crockpotting" my keynote at BlogWorld. That's the term Scott Schwertly uses in his manifesto on making great presentations at - that's a great site for inspiring articles, by the way. Scott says:
This time I'm mixing in ingredients from Albert-Laszlo Barabasi's Linked on how networks form, Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point on the role of connectors, and even Andy Warhol's Party Book on how to throw a great party (thanks to Dane for that connection!).
My basic premise is that media is about to undergo a phase change, and that as new media publishers we have to rethink what we're doing. It's the end of the line for the broadcast model. We're entering a new paradigm where conversations replace monologue and where audience becomes community.
We'll see how well cooked my ideas are Friday, November 9, at 8:45a at BlogWorld Expo. Following that I'm on a 10:15a panel on "The Cult of Blogging" with Mike Arrington and Om Malik. BlogWorld looks to be a lot of fun - Mark Cuban is doing the closing keynote. If you're on the fence about going, hop off and we'll see you in Vegas!
(If you run into Dane or me at the Expo ask for one of the new TWiT die-cut decals. I've got 500 to give away.)
A winning presentation must be well thought, brewed on, and dreamed on. It takes time. It takes research. It takes patience. You can’t build a memorable presentation in an instant. Therefore, it can’t be prepared in a microwave. A great presentation must be built in a crockpot.I don't give many talks these days. It's not that public speaking scares me so much; you know I am happiest with a big audience. It's that I feel like I should have something important to say and I never do. Coming up with an original idea is hard.

Reader Comments (10)
Be CAREFUL Leo! The "tech landscape" is littered with the bodies of the "tech pundits" telling everyone "where we're going"! Just remember all the "predictions" heard over the years on TWiT, The Screen Saves, etc. and how utterly WRONG they most have been! We also have to be careful when someone asks our opinion as technologists we don't inadvertently "color" our predictions with, not what we think might happen, but with what we might PREFER to happen!
Good luck! Hopefully, everyone in the audience for any one of our "technology prediction speeches" will all have very short memories!
- A
Altair, your "good luck" blessing is more back handed than compliment. Leo, and other "pundits", are not psychics who predict the future but are professionals who make educated observations and guesses. The people who listen are enthusiasts who can not wait to see what happens or are looking for information that may give them advantages in their endeavors. This very blog post attests to Leo's general modus operandi of transparency that should dispel any reasonable listener's assumption of Mr. Laporte's tech omnipotence. I would, also, suspect that Leo has been invited to speak just as much for his color commentary than for his wisdom. It is a blog conference, after all, not the Supreme Court.
I spent a weekend crockpotting once...I put the results in the freezer, and I didnt have to worry about dinner for about a month!!
Hey Leo, I really love your podcasts but lately they are just one big Mac advertisement and endorsement, could you please tone it down a bit, even if they are paying you? You have a lot of international listeners like me who will never be on macs because they’re useless in most of the world. I understand in America people are brand loyal because it’s “cool� or for some other bizarre reason, even if the brand does nothing but limit choice. I’d just like to say that me and many my fellow eastern european friends are about to stop listening though. You’re a great guy but you really are starting to sound like an american tv commercial and most of us don’t fall for that idiocy so… hope to hear some more realistic broadcasting. Thanks!
wrong email on my previous, sorry.
Thanks for the post and the links Leo. Really looking forward to hearing what you come up with.
btw you mentioned including "connectors" in your talk. You are going to love Larry Benet "The Human Connector's" keynote on Wednesday.
He is amazing and seems to know someone who knows the person you need to meet. He is going to talk about connecting with people at a conference and how to get the most out of our event face to face and with social media tools.
See you next week!
Blog on!
Rick Calvert
CEO & Co-founder
BlogWorld & New Media Expo
I love your work but I think that you're off base on this one. I think that there is always going to be a place for broadcast programs that "everyone" can watch.
Blogs work because they are confined to small audiences. Most people who chose to participate are savvy enough to find it in the first place. CB radio was cool once, too until every idiot in the world had access and you couldn't get a coherent message across though the drone of nonsense.
My daughter and her friends all watch "The Hills." When they get together then all talk about it and have fun. But, if you put every teenage girl who watched the program in a huge auditorium and told them to discuss it then it probably wouldn't work. They would have to divide into small groups again to make it work.
TWiT works because thousands of people are just observing your small group’s conversation.
Hey Leo, you'll be just a few hours away from my Bed & Breakfast. Too bad we closed for the winter this week. Maybe next year.
So, is that crock pot on "low" or "high" lol?! You will do a great job on your presentation! Have fun!
Congratulations, Leo,
I know you'll deliver a great presentation.
Any chance of getting the text of the presentation or video highlights for those of use who won't be at the event?
Thanks for all of your hard work.
Love the show here is a review Ive recently done of you work...