I'm not usually one to lobby for votes, but I would appreciate your vote for TWiT as best podcast in the
Weblog awards. You can vote once per day through November 8. The award will be handed out at
BlogWorld Expo at the end of the week.
While you're there you might want to vote for your favorite weblogs, too!
Don't do it for me. Do it for Dvorak. I don't think he would like being beaten by the
Glen and Helen Show.
Reader Comments (28)
I was about to not give my vote because you're an Apple fanboy (even though you deny it) but when I read the the Dvorak part I decided to give you my vote :)
You've got my vote(s)!
If you mention it on TWiT you'll definitely win.
P.S. Can one edit a previous comment they have made?
Done! One note, I wish they would have actually put TWiT in parenthesis - I actually had to look at it a couple times to find you. Doh.
I've voted. Good thing you mentioned it. And Dvorak, if you're reading this: Know that you will always be our favorite crank, no matter who wins -- your skills in the art of nagging is next to none :)
I am there for you Leo.
I voted for twit! :) good luck Leo!
And TWiT is now winning!! ~W00T~
anything for John
Of course you have my vote! No need to lobby here!
You have my vote. TWiT continues to be THE source for weekly tech related news. Thanks for all that you do!
I wouldn't consider it lobbying, more like informing.
I'm sure a lot of us TWiT minions would love to cast our vote, but are unaware of it. Until now, thanks to you.
No shame here!
No RadioLab? No This American Life? No FLOSS, or Security Now? Then of course TWiT gets my vote!
I voted. It was an easy vote. TWIT is great. John is really enjoyable.
Definitely got my vote. Have been listening to you for years now, about time I gave something back. ($2/month coming soon.. as soon as I graduate).
Even though you are in the lead at this point, you should have broad-casted it on a podcast like people mentioned above.. You would have swept the competition.
Love your work...Keep it up.
You got my vote for Dvorak! (AKA Nick Nolte!)
Love the blog!
Check out my website above (click my name!)
Wow, it went from close to a majority in less than 24 hours.
What can't the TWiT Army do?
You're ahead by over 2,000 votes. This proves the power of the TWiT Army.
I bet the TWiT team could DOS attack the Weblog Awards if they wanted! That would show'em. By DOS, I mean Diggnile Of Service.
Got my vote and a good lead so far
Have just "Clipmarked" the post to my Vox . . . Go TWiT Army!!
Congrats on the win! Was there really any ? I blogged the victory on my own blog.