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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2007-12-08

  • The radio show tomorrow will be from will be from the Yale Broadcast Center - where I got my start in radio 30 years ago. #
  • Why did I say "email me???" I should have just said, download "Merlin's Mannerisms from http://twit.tv/merlin.pdf " Sheesh! #
  • Watching my niece in Pygmalion. All this show needs is a musical score and I smell a hit. #

Reader Comments (3)

RE: PYGMALION musical:

Leo - can I call ya "Leo"? I think ya got a GREAT idea for a show here, bubbe, but we need to develop it more. How's about I call this guy Lerner in? His folks own the Lerner Department Stores so he's LOADED, and I heard he's done this show about Scottish villages or gold miners 0r something - here, have a cigar!

Just want to put a bug in your ear - Rex Harrison! Yeah, so what if he's dead? You'd rather Keanu Reeves, maybe...?

December 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy Liebe

Mulling those "mannerisms" really makes me miss Merlin on MBW. Thanks for making the PDF available, Leo!

December 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBryan

OK, I found the iCal version of Merlin's Mannerisms, but is there an RSS feed? It would be great to just get it every day via RSS...

I would do it if I knew how to auto publish for the rest of the year...


January 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Kelling

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