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Guest Appearance on KGO Today

KGO-AM 810 NewsTalk.jpgI'll be a guest on the Ronn Owens Show on KGO AM 810 in San Francisco this morning at 10am Pacific. Show notes will follow here.

Reader Comments (10)

Hi Guys. I'm a fan of Leo and listen to his tech guys news via MP3 downloads from Google home page. The last one I got was 416. I still get the wiz kid stuff, but that's it. Are there new ones or has Google failed me? I pretty much stopped listening to music and just tech stuff now. Thanks

January 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBill Stephens

Hi Leo,

I listen to at the weekends on KGO when I can. I heard you briefly this morning talking about antivirus. What did you recommend instead of Norton and MacAfee. I want to clean up an older computer (5yrs old)

Thank you,
Orla Beatty

January 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOrla Beatty

Hi Leo

Tried to get on the air with you on Ronn's prgram. Lines too busy.
If you can answer this on line, swell.. If not that's OK too,

I'm having a problem with the popup "Out of memory on line 56" Any idea as to how I can fix this as my computer freezes just before this appears, which is quite often.. Thanks.
Susanj Adams-Fisher

January 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSusan Adams-Fishser

What do you think of Qtrax being launched on January 27, 2008?
Any hope if an iTunes competitor?


January 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

If you want to listen to Mr.Laporte you can download the mp3 of hour 10-11 here:


it starts around 8 min.

January 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

Thanks much Alex... (fast forward to 8:20)

January 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDetorn

Many of your listeners are republicans; I myself am a John McCain supporter. So when you try to frame political debate around only Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama you show yourself to be just as vacuous as Sean Hannity et al.

January 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMaia Loeb

How to I obtain the RonnOwens and Leo LaPorte discussion about Windows Movie Maker from their Jan.22 show?

January 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRalph Stevens

I have been a listener of KGO since the days of Ira Blue, Owen Span,Lou Hurley, and other icons of the 1950's... I have lived all over the Bay Area from Palo Alto, to San Francisco, Oakland to Richmond, Burlingame to Fairfield, and Vacaville, and I have NEVER had a problem receiving the "KABILLION" watt signal from KGO all over the West coast. (both at home and traveling)
For the past 18 years now, I have lived out in rural Vacaville, 5 miles North of I-80, and 11 miles South of Winters. I live on a hill, with a clear view of Mt. Diablo (in the distance South) and just over Mt. Vaca between Fairfield and Vacaville. My radio reception has always been stellar when listening to KGO, until this past year.

January 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGeraldine Morrison

I have been a loyal listener to KGO radio since the days of Ira Blue, Owen Span, Jim Dunbar, Ed Baxter, Joe the Green Grocer, Lou Hurley, and other icons of the 1950's... I have lived all over the Bay Area from Palo Alto, to San Francisco, Oakland to Richmond, Burlingame to Fairfield, and Vacaville, and I have NEVER had a problem receiving the "KABILLION" watt signal from KGO all over the West coast. (both at home and traveling)
For the past 18 years now, I have lived out in rural Vacaville, 5 miles North of I-80, and 11 miles South of Winters. I live on a hill, with a clear view of Mt. Diablo (in the distance South) and just over Mt. Vaca between Fairfield and Vacaville. My radio reception has always been stellar when listening to KGO, until this past year.
For some unknown reason there is a MAJOR reception problem that starts on KGO's station in my area every day in the late afternoon around plus or minus 4 PM to 5 PM which lasts ALL the rest of the evening, and only clears a very tiny bit by the time Ray Taliafero comes on the air around 1 AM. Even then, the signal is not completely clear, but at least I can hear what's being said.
Before that, listening to the station is completely intollerable with the severe static interference blocking the voices.
The problem is NOT on other AM stations, and of course not on FM stations.
"Oh Dear What" can the matter be?
Can you explain it to me? Can you help me?
I would call C Crane Co. for a new radio if the problem was only on one radio in my home, but it is on ALL my radios, even the battery operated portable ones.
What's your best bet?
Thank you for this forum of communication, and THANK YOU for taking the time to read this ( if you have) and THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU, if you can take the time to respond to this message for me.
Geraldine Morrrison. long-time KGO Radio listener.

January 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGeraldine Morrison

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