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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-01-23

  • Ordered a new Macbook - not an Air - with a 250GB drive. Apple wants $850 for 4GB RAM. OWC is charging $100. C'mon Apple - that's gouging. #
  • When one doesn't have a real job getting out of bed in the morning is a little bit tougher. Unfortunately, J has no trouble tossing me out. #
  • @jsnell, @ihnatko, @hotdogsladies - ok ok you have convinced me. I have Word, Nisus, Pages, Mellel, Mariner, and Bean but I'll try Scrivener #
  • @pinctone - Other World Computing at http://macsales.com - it's where I buy most of my Mac stuff, including RAM. #
  • @ChrisJMiller - actually $3100 for a MacBook Air with a solid state drive is a deal since Samsung is selling the 64GB drive alone for $2500. #

Reader Comments (2)

wouldn't it be less expensive to order a 250 gig drive and the 4 gig of ram from owc instead of a new macbook? Suppose we all need a reason to get a new laptop every once in a while . . .

January 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTim Magnuson

What has happened to all of the The Tech Guy podcasts? some of them are on KFI's site (Sunday) but we are missing all of the Saturday shows.

January 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCraig

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