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Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-04-04

  • All day at Bruney Island with Peter, Bruce, and Winston. Ate lunch in a secluded lagoon. Lots of landscapes and one hedgehog. Video soon. #
  • Ugh. I had some dust on my sensor for every shot from yesterday (over 200). I think I've blown it away now. Break out the heal tool. #
  • It's breakfast time in Hobart, TAS. Then I think I'll head out to shoot the Saturday farmer's market. #

Reader Comments (2)

Echidna! =b

April 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterambrosis

Yeah I must correct you Leo ... Echidna, not Hedgehog. Main difference? Echidna is a marsupial (ie it has a pouch, like a kangaroo). WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA. Next time, take a month and travel through the outback and see some of the mainland. Photo ops in the outback are magnificent.

April 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPeter H - Australia

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