Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-04-05

- My first batch of Tasmania pictures are up at #
- My daughter has joined Twitter. @abbylaporte - I'm so proud. #
- 3:46am Time to get up to do the radio show. zzzzz #
- @acedetect I have a feeling you wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same. You wanna be where everybody knows your name. #
- I'm in studio at Sea FM in Hobart, Tasmania, ready to do the Tech Guy radio show. Video: Chat: #
- No @veronica is not coming to work for TWiT. I'd hire her in a minute if I could! I'm sure whatever she's got planned is better than TWiT! #
- That was fun! Streamed walk to the hotel and visit with the photogs at breakfast. Next show: Port Arthur at ~6:15p PDT. #
- Ack sorry - change of plans. Can't do more streaming video today; my backup battery isn't charged. We'll do it tomorrow. #
- If you wonder why I prefer SmugMug to Flickr just visit my Tasmania pictures and press the Slideshow button. #
Reader Comments (1)
An early tip ... Try to be near a tv next weekend - check out the local footy (or go to a local game). Remember the Fremantle Dockers cap someone (not me) sent you when The Lab first started? While you're Down Under, check out what the game looks like. Its the 150th anniversary of the sport this year, and our National (pro league) comp (the AFL) contains the world's oldest professional football club of any code (Melbourne FC established 1858), a shame they're having a shocker tho. Anyway, Friday night and Saturday arfternoon should be great matches (Essendon v Western Bulldogs 8.30pm Fri night and St Kilda v Geelong Saturday 2pm). Sunday will be big tho maybe not close (2.00pm Sunday) Carlton v Collingwood from the MCG (the site of the 1956 Olympics - it holds 100,000 spectators, not bad for a city of 3.5million and a country of only 20 million). Its a strange game for the uninitiated, but get a local to explain the basics and you'll probably love it! Find out where the current and next batch of NFL punters are being recruited from :)