Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-05-14

- @digitalkitty is going to teach us welding around 10p PDT tonight at - I swear she's the next Yoshi. #
- Change of plans. @digitalkitty is streaming welding lessons at #
- Thanks for the Pentel care package @GBLPR! I love those G2s almost as much as I love Twitter! #
- @robbellbottom A Coast Guard's chief's hat would be so cool. As you may have noticed, I collect hats! Thanks! #
- @robbellbottom I'm leaning in favor of the Orphan Works Act, but there are two sides to it. I look forward to hearing Larry Lessig's take. #
- @chrisbrogan I use Audible on Macs only. Don't use the Audible software, use iTunes. I just download and add to iTunes. Voila! #
- @StevenVore Larry Lessig is on his yearly month off. But when he gets back I'll ask him on TWiT to talk about the Orphan Copyrights Act. #

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