Leo's Twitter Updates for 2008-05-15

- Back from getting ear molds for my new Ultimate Ears headphones. Turns out I'm 1 in 6 people who have "ticklish ear canal syndrome." Kaff #
- @danegolden What Dane is to polite to say is: Leo screwed up and has left the office and can't be found. I'll go in tonight and put it out. #
- Congratulations to the Plaxo guys on their acquisition by Comcast today. Now where do I go to close my account? #
- Can't find a way to kill my Plaxo account. I don't want Comcast to have my personal info. I really don't want them to have my friends info. #
- Ahhh. Here it is: Delete Plaxo Acct: #
- This American Twitterer: @iraglass - how soon before he overtakes Kevin Rose? #
- The morning air feels like warm tea. It's going to be a scorcher today. Moved the computer CPUs out from under my desk to near the window. #
- After talking with @iJustine I've decided to use Disqus for my comment system at She's such an inspiration. Cute, too. #
- CBS buys cnet for US$1.8 B. Interesting to see MSM snap up devalued new media companies. They must know something the market doesn't. #
- @donreisinger You'll see. I'll never forget Eric Hippeau's company-wide voicemail announcing the sale of Ziff-Davis. #
- Glad I'm doing Buzz Out Loud this morning. (10a Pacific, UTC-7 on #
- @donreisinger I think CBS is going to love you. This is actually a big opportunity for you and @mollywood and @acedtect #
- Spare the Air Day in the SF Bay Area. I'm walking to work. And I promise to fart less. #
- @jimlunsford I always worry when a big media company buys a new media company. They usually don't get it. But to me c|net _is_ big media! #
- @timcourtney Really Tim? I guess they have plans to do something with the old TSS assets? Who knows? G4 nauseates me. #
Reader Comments (1)
Just finished listening to Net@Nite Episode 53 and loved the interview about Disqus. I've been using tumblr for about a year now at"> and have been looking for a way to add user feedback. Thanks so much for all the useful info you provide in your podcasts.